Day Surgeries Laundry

We provide flexible and customised laundry and hire-linen services can benefit not only your day surgery clinic but also the broader Queensland community.

As medical techniques and technologies have evolved, day surgery has become a more viable option for a wide range of medical treatments and operations.

These advancements have seen a significant increase in the linen demands of day surgery facilities around the nation, creating the need for efficient and reliable solutions for linen and laundry day surgery, Brisbane and broader Queensland.

The team here at Holy Cross Services has been evolving their expert laundry and hire linen services alongside the Australian medical industry since the organisation was formed in 1889 by Mother Mary Vincent Whitty of the Sisters of Mercy.

Read on to learn more about how our flexible and customised laundry and hire-linen services can benefit not only your day surgery clinic but also the broader Queensland community.

Benefits of partnering with Holy Cross Services

For over 130-years, the laundry professionals here at Holy Cross Services have been providing expert commercial laundry solutions with a difference. 

Here at Holy Cross Services, we help Queensland’s under-privileged and para-able gain industry-leading training, skills development, qualifications and employment opportunities that will help them reach their full potential and live their best life.

Our clients, in turn, receive world-class laundry and hire linen solutions with a proven track record of efficiency, flexibility, reliability and quality. Our products and services meet or exceed all Australian industry standards and are environmentally conscious and sustainable.

To learn more about our organisation and services, and receive a no-obligation free quote, contact one of our friendly consultants today via phone or email.

Day surgery linen hire Queensland

Our specialised medical linen hire solutions include over 100-products that can be utilised by your day surgery facility, ensuring you are never in short supply of sanitary, high-quality linen for your patients and staff.

Examples of products that may be of benefit to your facility include, but are not limited to:

For a full list of our medical hire linen products, or to arrange a consultation from one of our representatives, Contact us by phone or email today.

Holy Cross Laundry Services

The service team here at Holy Cross also offer expert services for commercial cleaning of hospitals and medical facilities.

For a comprehensive rundown on our full range of professional solutions, contact our friendly staff, or send your enquiry via email, and one of our representatives will respond promptly.

Holy Cross Services is a Mercy Ministry. For all enquiries about our cleaning and laundry solutions, contact us today by emailing [email protected] or calling (07) 3637 9299

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