Laundry Service

How Does Hospital Laundry Play a Crucial Role in Infection Control?



In the realm of healthcare, infection control has paramount significance. It isn’t just about maintaining a clean and sterile environment but also includes managing all aspects contributing to this environment. One aspect often overlooked, but equally critical, is hospital laundry. Despite being an unseen force within the healthcare system, it plays an indispensable role in infection control. Let’s delve deeper into this vital, often overlooked aspect of healthcare.

The Importance of Infection Control in Hospitals

Infection control is the discipline concerning the prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). These are infections patients acquire during their treatment within a healthcare facility. The reality of HCAIs is sobering. The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare estimates that each year, approximately 165,000 patients in Australia suffer from HCAIs.

The impact of these infections is not just health-related. The financial costs to the health service for treating HCAIs can run into the millions, increasing the burden on the healthcare system. Beyond this, poor infection control also poses significant reputational risks for hospitals.

Understanding Hospital Laundry

Hospital laundry is a collective term for all textile materials used within a healthcare environment. This includes patient clothing, bedding, staff uniforms, surgical linen, and soft furnishings. According to Laundry and Cleaning News, a typical 200-bed hospital will process over 2 million kilograms of laundry annually.

Hospital laundry services are complex operations due to the variety and volume of items processed. They must also adhere to strict regulations to prevent cross-contamination and the spread of infections.

Hospital Laundry and Infection Control

Unclean laundry can be a potent vector for infections. Microorganisms can survive on textiles, and cross-contamination can occur during handling or storage. Several documented cases show links between infections and improper hospital laundry processes.

One such instance occurred at an Australian hospital, where a patient contracted a severe infection traced back to improperly cleaned hospital linen. Such instances underscore the need for stringent laundry practices to prevent HCAIs.

Moreover, guidelines from organisations such as the UK’s Department of Health and Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council provide specific protocols for hospital laundry services. These highlight procedures for handling, transporting, and processing soiled linen.

Best Practices for Hospital Laundry

Following best practices in hospital laundry can significantly reduce the risk of HCAIs. This starts with proper handling of soiled linen, using protective equipment, and isolating contaminated items. The Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare recommend colour-coded bags for segregating laundry, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.

Effective disinfection methods are also vital. Laundry services must use processes, such as thermal disinfection or chemical disinfectants, that effectively eliminate pathogens. Also, clean and appropriately designed storage spaces are crucial to prevent clean linen from becoming contaminated.

Equally important is the training and protection of laundry staff. They should be equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment and trained in infection control procedures.

The Role of Innovation in Improving Hospital Laundry

Innovation is transforming hospital laundry services. New technologies, such as the use of ozone laundry systems, reduce water usage, improve cleaning efficiency, and kill bacteria and viruses more effectively than traditional laundry methods. Another example is antimicrobial fabrics, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms, enhancing patient safety.

Robotics is also making inroads into laundry services, automating processes to minimise human contact and reduce the risk of cross-contamination.


Hospital laundry, often overlooked, is a vital cog in the wheel of hospital infection control. With the proper handling, cleaning, and storage protocols, the risk of HCAIs can be significantly minimised.

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