Aged Care Laundry

Dependable and efficient hire linen and aged care laundry services are an essential part of all aged care facilities.

Quality products and services are vital for the comfort, health and safety of Queensland's treasured elderly communities.

The team here at Holy Cross Services has been offering reliable, professional solutions for aged care laundry since the organisation was established in 1889 by Mother Mary Vincent Whitty of the Sisters of Mercy.

We provide complete aged care laundry services that can be tailored to our client’s individual needs, ensuring all your hire linen and laundry requirements are met with consistent results for your staff and residents.

Benefits of partnering with Holy Cross Services

The team here at Holy Cross Services not only provide a world-class aged care laundry and aged care linen hire service; they also provide training and employment opportunities to Queensland’s underprivileged and para-able citizens.

We believe that everyone in the Queensland community deserves the opportunity to gain valuable skills and professional accreditation, giving disadvantaged people the ability to reach their full potential in life.

Our organisation is built around, compassion, dignity, integrity, respect, and our “Three Win Philosophy”:

Our clients win by receiving a world-class linen and laundry service

Queensland’s underprivileged and para-able communities win by gaining equal opportunities for growth and development.

Our organisation wins by maintaining financial stability so we can continue our vital work within the community.

By partnering with us, you are not only gaining expert services with a proven track record for well over a century; you are also making a significant contribution to creating a stronger Queensland community and helping improve the lives of fellow Australians in need.

Aged Care laundry Queensland

The laundry specialists here at Holy Cross Services can provide a wide range of flexible and punctual hire linen and laundry solutions that can be customised to your aged care facilities unique requirements.

Our advanced laundry and processing systems ensure consistency of results in product quality and service from pick up to drop off. To ensure we can provide such an efficient, customised service we offer several ordering systems that can be utilised by our clients. We provide laundry services for radiology facilities throughout various regions of Queensland.

Examples of these systems include, but are not limited to:

  • Dock to dock delivery and pick up
  • Dock to Ward delivery and pick up
  • Daily orders
  • On-Demand
  • Emergency supply and more

Whether we are providing a aged care laundry service for your in-house linen, or you are utilising our hire-linen solutions, you can be rest assured you are receiving a world-class aged care laundry service.

Aged care hire linen Queensland

Our industry-leading aged care hire linen service is one of the best in Australia, providing a product range of over 100-high quality options to help you stay on top of every aspect of your aged care linen requirements.  

Examples of our extensive range of products include items like:

For a comprehensive rundown of all our products and laundry solutions, contact one of our knowledgeable consultants today via phone or email.

Quality control

Many of our aging and elderly citizens suffer from compromised immune systems in later life. With evolving annual flu risks and global pandemics, it is essential that your linen meets or exceeds the recommended sanitation requirements.

The team here at Holy Cross have remained at the forefront of commercial laundry technology since the organisation was founded in 1889. 

Our continuous computer-controlled laundry system, paired with our strict quality management, independent monitoring and testing protocols ensure our products and services meet or exceed all industry standards as well as all state and federal OH&S and quality compliances.

As well as meeting or exceeding all Australian and industry standards, our packages also contain an extensive range of risk management protocols to protect our clients, staff, patients and residents.

Our quotations and contracts will include:

  • A Complete Package of Insurances.

  • Plant redundancy provisions in the event of significant disruptions or shut-down.

  • Risk management, quality assurance and laundry monitoring documentation.

Experience the difference of over a century of industry experience and contact one of our friendly consultants today.

Other Holy Cross services

The team here at Holy Cross Services also offer a range of other services that may benefit your aged care facility or complex, taking pressure off your organisation’s management and service facilitators.

Holy Cross Cleaning Services Queensland

The expert team here at Holy Cross provide expert cleaning services for the aged care sector. 

We have extensive experience across all aspects of care and medical facility cleaning protocols and can provide your complex with all its sanitation and general cleaning requirements.

From general areas and living spaces to kitchens, bathrooms and medical care rooms, we have the experience and capabilities to provide you with yet another world-class service tailored to the aged care industry.

Holy Cross Services Ltd

Holy Cross Services is a Mercy Ministry.

For a comprehensive rundown of our wide range of world-class aged care laundry and cleaning solutions, contact our helpful consultants today. 

To arrange a consultation, or to receive a no-obligation free quote, contact us via [email protected] or calling (07) 3637 929

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